August 15, 2024
Supply Ontario (SO) has renewed a Vendor of Record (VOR) Arrangement for Tender-19250 – Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles. This VOR Arrangement is in effect for a period of five (5) years from May 9, 2024 to May 8, 2029.
Annually, SO at their own discretion shall post a Request for Bid (RFB) document allowing new or previously unsuccessful vendors (manufacturers, authorized master distributors and/or authorized dealers) an opportunity for to join the VOR arrangement. This refresh process will allow the addition of new or innovative products as well as re-engineered vehicles in line with the specifications supplied by the Ontario Public Service (OPS) and Non-Ontario Public Service (Non-OPS) entities.
The VOR arrangement is mandatory for OPS ministries and agencies and is also available to registered non-OPS buying entities, which includes but is not limited to municipalities, academic institutions, school boards, health care providers, and major transfer payment recipients.
- OPS and Non-OPS entities will be given priority in completing their purchase orders.
- Allows OPS and Non-OPS to leverage current advertised market rates if they are below the preferred rates in the Agreement.
- Options for Trade-Ins, Vehicle Equipment Disposal, and Remarketing Services.
- Collaboration and contract harmonization opportunities with the broader public sector.
- This VOR arrangement streamlines the entire ordering process, saving time and effort by offering better service, improved availability while optimizing government spending.
How to access the VOR arrangement
For Ontario Public Service (OPS) Ministries
This VOR arrangement and the user guide and other supporting documents are available on InsideOPS.
For Non-OPS entities
Access is available through the Doing business with Ontario website.
Questions about this VOR arrangement can be directed to:
416-915-7772 or 1-888-996-7772