News and Updates

July 11, 2024

Integrating and centralizing public-sector procurement

Supply Ontario is building capacity to be a leader in public sector supply chain management by making the right investments in people, processes and systems. We are centralizing and integrating procurement using a category management framework. Each category identifies improvement opportunities, focusing on better procurement processes, contract management, pricing, terms and transparency. This approach will strengthen our supply chains and help us adapt to the changing needs of buyers and vendors.

Over the 2024/25 fiscal year, we will pursue opportunities for integration and centralization, including:

  1. Continuing to use a category management framework to streamline processes and deliver benefits
  2. Designing a one-stop procurement concierge program
  3. Leveraging the Building Ontario Businesses Initiative to create value, foster resiliency and reduce barriers

Learn more about Supply Ontario’s efforts to integrate and centralize public sector procurement in our 2024/25 to 2026/27 Business Plan.