Vision, mission and values


Harness Ontario’s buying power to enable economic development, province-wide resilience and value for Ontarians.


Bring cohesion to the public sector supply chain by embracing innovation and leveraging diverse partnerships and relationships with suppliers.


Our values are driven by our commitment to our partners, stakeholders, and each other to achieve the best outcomes for the people of Ontario.

An icon with two hands cupping a diamond with text that reads "Excellence".
An icon with an image of two hands shaking to form a heart with text that reads "Collaboration"
An icon with a graphic of an open-facing palm with a heart above it and text that reads trust

Delivering transformative solutions through innovation

Working together to achieve results

Building relationships with integrity and accountability

Three-Year Strategy and Delivery Plan

Our 2024/25 to 2026/27 Business Plan focuses on four key themes:

  1. Integration and centralization of procurement across the public sector to create value;
  2. Transformation through modernization of procurement practices and processes;
  3. Build foundational capabilities and resiliency within the agency to support government objectives; and
  4. Collaboration with partners to enhance Ontario’s buying power.

Read our 2024/25 to 2026/27 Business Plan (pdf).

A graphic identifying Supply Ontario's four key themes for 2024/25 to 2025/26.
1. Integration and centralization of procurement across the public sector to create value;
2.  Transformation through modernization of procurement practices and processes;
3. Build foundational capabilities and resiliency within the agency to support government objectives; and
4. Collaboration with partners to enhance Ontario’s buying power.