News and Updates

July 31, 2023

Supply Chain Ontario transitions to Supply Ontario, strengthening provincial supply chain management

TORONTO — Supply Ontario is pleased to announce the integration of operations with Supply Chain Ontario, effective today. This transfer marks a significant milestone in the efforts to modernize the province’s supply chain management and procurement practices.

Supply Ontario will assume management of the enterprise vendor of record (VOR) program, advertising and communications procurement, supply chain advisory services, and their supporting functions. Supply Ontario will oversee the management, operations, and governance of the provincial stockpile of personal protective equipment (PPE) and critical supplies and equipment (CSE).

With the expanded capacity, enhanced capabilities, and data-driven insights gained through this integration, Supply Ontario is equipped to deliver on its mandate to optimize the province’s purchasing power. This will result in a smarter, stronger and more connected public sector supply chain, and, ultimately, better public services.

Collaboration with shared service organizations, group purchasing organizations, vendors, industry advocates and government partners is pivotal to the success of Supply Ontario. Supply Ontario remains committed to engaging meaningfully with stakeholders and placing their valuable input at the core of its work.


“Every year, Ontario spends some $30 billion on goods and services ranging from pacemakers and bandages to laptops and software programs. Those purchases are made by more than 6,000 public sector entities without broad or inclusive coordination. The joining of Supply Ontario and Supply Chain Ontario will allow us to transform public procurement, resulting in better public services, increased support for local businesses and a more resilient supply chain on which Ontarians can depend.”
 Jamie Wallace, CEO, Supply Ontario

“Working as one team will bring people with the right skills, expertise, and experience together to build a stronger Ontario. The Government of Ontario and Supply Ontario recognize the critical role of our partners and stakeholders across sectors in supporting Ontario’s supply chain transformation. The merge of Supply Ontario and Supply Chain Ontario will enable and advance the centralization and modernization of public procurement in our province, driving innovation, creating good jobs and growing the economy.”
The Hon. Prabmeet Singh Sarkaria, President, Treasury Board Secretariat

About Supply Ontario

At Supply Ontario, we believe that modernizing procurement is a key driver of success for Ontario’s public sector. Our mandate is to strengthen supply chain management and procurement across the public sector, ensuring that Ontario ministries, provincial agencies, hospitals, school boards, children’s aid societies and more have access to high-quality, timely, reliable products at the best value.

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Joyce
Director, Communications
Supply Ontario
[email protected]